As you may have guessed from the title of this entry, the very best way that I have so far discovered to beat the crap out of my body is HIKING. Preferably in some place beautiful and interesting, and with friends and/or brothers. Lately, I have had the opportunity to do just this, several times, in a span of about 2 weeks.
First: Yosemite.

He didn't mind though, since he had already beaten the crap out of his body, and was about to get a jump on the recovery phase.
And I didn't mind because I was greedy for the top -- the top being the overlook of Upper Yosemite Falls, half a mile from the valley floor. The horizontal distance of the hike was about 3 miles. I'm about to do some math here, so bear with me. The middle third of the hike went up and down a bit, but overall was relatively easy and relatively flat. This means basically all the half mile up was contained in two miles of over. Steepness grade = up divided by over = slightly less steep than 250 flights of stairs.
Second: Joshua Tree.
The hike at Joshua tree was long and meandering, as we followed our monkey instincts from one tall rock pile to a taller one and a taller one and so on, zigzagging around the desert until we reached the precipice shown above, where we sung Lion King songs.
Please, if you like climbing or exploring or deserts, visit Joshua Tree. You will not be disappointed.
Third: Palo Verde.
We began by driving to a water-carved canyon, 2.4 miles from the summit. We strapped on our collective 45 pounds of water, and began our trek into the canyon, its high walls protecting us from the morning sun. We traveled along, wary of the loose rock and fascinated by the power of water, until we came to a pool left by the recent rains.
We spent a lot of time with our eyes on the ground, searching for geodes and quartz and other cool rocks. The geology is so varied at Palo Verde: red rocks with blue veins, gray rocks with quartz veins, rocks literally rusted red, their high iron content exposed the the oxygen in the air. Porous green rocks and dense gray ones, smooth purple rocks and jagged orange ones. The scenery is not as nice as at Yosemite or Joshua Tree, but the rocks kept our eyes busy while we followed the flat desert washes, occasionally glancing up at our goal to keep us pointed in the right direction.
Aside from a few lightly worn game trails and the random zigzagging washes, there are no trails, so we made up our route as we went. After an hour and a half, we reached the base of the mountain, and began our climb up. These rocks are steeper and looser than the ones at Joshua Tree, and they don't provide the plethora of routes like the ones at Joshua Tree either.
Our first attempt at summiting failed miserably (my fault for insisting on it), and we ended up climbing all the way down from halfway up before starting over again. But, we did find a neat cave where we took a much needed rest, and this picture.
We finally reached the top, and I had camera trouble. Unable to figure out how to delete photos from my nearly full memory stick, I was only able to get this mediocre view from the top.
Still though, it's pretty cool.
Finally, on the hike back, I started to feel weak and stopped to drink more than a quart of water, and eat a few almonds, after which I felt great for the rest of the way. Dan though, got increasingly lethargic and unresponsive, no matter how much I dogged him and forced water on him. He says he might not have made it if not for those beans. He says that big can of desert-heated baked beans is the best meal he's ever had, and it showed. After that pit-stop, he made it back the car no problem.
I should mention that Eric crushed the return hike with no visible difficulty. Props to Eric.
Super long blog post is now finished! I hope you enjoyed! Go hiking! Take plenty of food! Goodnight!